The Federal Communications Commission (FFC) is planning to vote on December 14th of this year to reverse Net Neutrality rules. These rules protect small businesses, entrepreneurs, and the right for all Americans to free speech. Everyone is affected and we hope you will join us and make your voice heard.
Net Neutrality and Its Importance
Net Neutrality rules protect the internet from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast.
When these rules are enforced, as they have been since 2015, all ISPs must allow equal access to all online content, services, and apps, regardless of the source.
Without Net Neutrality rules, these companies would be able to:
- Censor and block websites, apps, and services for any reason without transparency or accountability
- Force website owners (from Google to small businesses) to pay to keep their websites loading at normal speeds, otherwise slowing them to a crawl
- Charge Internet users extra fees just to access certain websites or services (extra fees for watching Netflix or playing video games, as examples)
- Demand payments from content creators, musicians, online streamers, and other services in order for them to reach an audience
Without Net Neutrality, the ISPs are essentially gatekeepers that decide the winners and losers of the Internet.
Why is Host Capitol passionate about Net Neutrality?
Net Neutrality rules are important to us because they affect all of our customers.
Our customers consist of small businesses and entrepreneurs, so our customers are the ones who will feel the impact most if Net Neutrality rules are reversed.
For small businesses, rolling back open Internet rules could fundamentally change how, and whether, they do business. Many small businesses start online or turn to e-commerce to expand their thin margins. According to the National Small Business Association, more than a quarter of small businesses said they planned to expand their e-commerce platform in 2017. At Host Capitol, we’ve seen the greatest increase of e-commerce startups on our platform this year.
By reversing these rules, the FCC is threatening the ability for anyone to start a business and have their voices heard.
What Can I Do?
The vote to determine the fate of Net Neutrality is only a few days away. If you value an open internet and support small businesses and entrepreneurs, please call and write to your local lawmakers today to let them know that open Internet rules need to stay.
Learn More
Check out this video from Fight For the Future.
We can stop the FCC and save Net Neutrality — but only if we all write and call Congress now.